December 14, 2013

reporting time 8am

the ticket I printed with my face on it reads that I am taking the ACT plus writing on December the 14th. I am to report to my testing center at 8am with my ticket, photo ID, and other various items. 

well last night before I went to bed to get a good nights rest before the test, I realized that I hadn't prepared to take it at all. So maybe of I did a couple practice sections it would shape me up, right?

wrong. the correct answer is wrong. taking those practice tests with Anna timing me, checking my score, it was pretty evident that I wasn't in shape to take this test. so I promptly went to the website and requested a test date change. the unpredicted consequence of this is that I feel like a big quitter. 

In trying to console myself, I thought, why would I waste my time and money taking a test that I wasn't going to score well on? I mean, if I signed up for a marathon and never trained, it wouldn't really be wise to attempt to do it. Especially if your time was going to be recorded and stuck on every application for a marathon that you ever did from that point on ever. 

well I mean that analogy became pretty transparent at the end, but you get the idea. I guess that it was a good idea to change my test date, but it is only a good idea if I actually prepare for it this time. 

I mean yesterday I was hitting up Pinterest and google looking at all kind of ACT test taking tips and most of them were pretty adamant about not just preparing last minute. once I got to that bullet point of the list I would close the browser and mourn the score that was looming over my college applications. 

the point of this overall is trying to comfort myself publicly, and hoping that maybe some of you lovelies have some advice for a girl with severe senioritis?

lastly, I would like to say to all you who are actually taking the ACT today: 

may the odds be ever in your favor. 

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