January 22, 2013

this is carson, the butler

you don't really have to look that far to see what I'm into right now.
downton for dayyzz.
if you in your life have ever seen pride and predjudice and enjoyed it,
read shakespeare and understood,
or felt that you should have been born in the late 1800's as a wealthy brit,
look no further than netflix.

downton abbey is first class.
I look forward to coming home and watching every day.
but that being said I should acknowledge that that's nothing new.

I implore you to look into it.
but only if you have the capacity.

"What would be the point in living if we didn't left life change us?"


jessie said...

sybil is so hot.

Becca said...

Can't get over Downton Abbey. It is literally my favorite show in the world.

