February 07, 2011


a while back I kidnapped an extra composition notebook from my teen living classroom.
I have used it well so far.
I use it to write letters in that I may or may not ever send.
here is one of the more recent entries;

"dear child,

I think about you. I think about what kind of mommy I want to be for you. I think about what I want to name you. I think about what our mother-daughter/mother-son relationship will be like. right now, I am leaning toward the daughter side. I want a girl. and a boy. but right now I want a girl. I am for sure not ready for you yet, but I am working so that one day when I'm older and married I will be. I think about your daddy, and what he'll be like. we will have a fun family, I promise. we'll be tight and loving. child of mine, you are so lucky. I am planning to raise you in the church, which I know is true. Right now Thomas S. Monson is the prophet and I know that he speaks the true gospel and that Christ lives. My child, I love you. this is meant for all my children, because I hope to have more that one. I am excited to be your mother."

this is what reading the rockstar diaries does to you.


Unknown said...

I'm pretty sure I read Rockstar Diaries, and I am also quite certain that I'm undergoing the same kind of emotions. It's just great, really.

LisAway said...

Lucky kids.