January 07, 2011

pick up what i'm putting down

the name change ; I never wanted to change the name of my trusty blog. It always possessed the same name I had deemed it when I was twelve. I have been blogging since I was twelve. Emilee and I started our blogs the first day of summer out of sixth grade. so our blogs are sisters. sister blogs. For the first year, emilee changed her blog name quite a bit, and I always prided myself on never changing the name.

one day. (this week) I realized. I think I am following five [insert title here]'s. it doesn't catch anyone's eye anymore. so I studied up on blog names. short. catchy. memorable. easy to spell.

I wanted one word. one striking word that would stick. I pulled out the inside joke book.
nothing. I consulted my dad. and he reminded me of one of my best lyric mess-ups ever.

Alejandro. we've all heard the GaGa song. The first sentence in said song happens to be,
"She's got both hands in her pockets,"

I happened to hear for three months,
"She's got rollerpants."

for the longest time, I thought rollerpants were totally legitimate pants made specifically for roller skating. I thought they would be the coolest thing ever. and then. suddenly they didn't exsist any more when I sang along on a road trip.

and thus the new blog title was born.
ladies and gentlebeasts; I give you rollerpants.

and a fond farewell to [insert title here];
she shall be missed.

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