October 24, 2009



Here's the lowdown. 

So I got back from volley ball this morning and Grampa came to drop off a book for mom. He was just getting in his car to leave, and I'm sure glad I did. He gave me a hug and then asked me If we wanted to go up to Uncle David's to say Hi. So Kate, Anna, and I loaded into the green PT cruiser. 

Well, we got there and my cousin Brenton played a song on his guitar, 500 miles by the proclaimers. It was awesome. He sang and I enjoyed his strumming skills.

Then Johnny played piano. His piano playing is something to behold and it brings tears to your eyes and it's so beautiful you never want the song to end. He composes his own songs and dosen't even read music. He plays 10 minute compositions by memory. My eyes grow wide and I just watch his brilliant fingers dance across the keys.
I then played my golden pipes and sang the latin song, "Cantate Domino" and then Brenton joined in because apparently it is a popular choice for choirs. 
When we left Grampa asked me, "Don't you have a guitar?
"Yes, it's job is to sit in the corner and collect dust in it's two-string-less shame."
"Well let's fix it up and get you some lessons so you can get strumming." 
"I actually aspire to play piano Grampa."
One thing I have learned is always tell your relatives what you want while driving in a car with them, they become generous. Like my Uncle Greg when I said I was saving up for a camera, he gave me a silver second hand one.
My loving generous Granfather said, "Well, you can have the one at Greg's in your house." My eyes went wide and excitement rushed in my veins. The piano at Uncle Greg's is Gramma and Grampa's. They just keep it at Gregs house because he likes to play it every now and agian. 
Grampa would only have it live at my house if he knew it wouldn't have the same job as the guitar. 
I told my parental units and we decided to put it in the basement and we would get lessons from the wonderful Winnifred, who had taught Emilee. She would do it free of charge.

I'm completing something on my bucket list free of charge.

aside from the lesson books. 

One of my biggest dreams is coming true. I must be awake.

Other happenings in my life (because I would like to note them and if I don't do it in this post I won't ever) 

  • My play draws near, November 12, 13, and 14.
  •  Yesterday I had a dance party in two of my classes
  • I watched the Hannah Montana Movie last night with Emilee, Talia, and Madison while we ate chips and slasa and made our hair into toilet brushes
  • I ate bison for the first time today
  • I am going downtown with my sisters soon (maybe someone will give me a million bucks)
  • The last two days have ranked high marks in my book of life.

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