January 02, 2009

The future has arrived

We got a new computer, and new moniter for our old one, and we are getting another one. Why does someone need so many computers? one may ask, well, World of Warcraft is a major contributer. What is so great about WoW? another may ask, I don't really know, it doesn't make you smarter, (besides going to parties and over hearing nerd and actually comprehending what their saying.) or stronger, it's as useful as watching TV I guess. But because we are so addicted, I might stay up with my computer all night and wait for it to be done loading. It's currently at 15% and says about 7 hours. I don't think my dad will let me stick to that pledge. Another thing in the shiny-new catogory- 2009! I wrote a letter to my future self and put in a jones soda bottle that I drank on new years eve- a message in a bottle to yourslef, revolutionary. I want to do better in school and actually work towards my future- even though Jr. High makes it sound really corny, it's true, we should start working towards our future. I also plan to help my dad clean out the basement and getting the floors and walls done before 2010. I've also been writing in my journal, which is kinda pointless to me, but the wrtten word is better than improvision typing. Dad got me this book for Christmas, Gathering Blue by Lois Lowry I was actually at the bookstore with dad on Christmas Eve when I mbrought the book to him and quipped, "I like this author." He just nodded and added it to the books we we're considering buying. So that was funny to open it the next morning. I really like it so far. I'm really minto reading these last few weeks. Ever since Dec. 22nd to be exact, I was driving to my uncles house to babysit my cousins with my uncle and Grampa. "What do you want to be, Livvy?" Grampa asked me, I was pleased that he thought I was grown up enough to not add when you grow up. "I want to go to BYU and get a Literature Degree to become a writer. but I'm going to train to be a macanic to help out my sisters, and as a fall back job since they are scarce now." I recited proudly. Dad says he will support me to train to be a macanic, because I am opposite stero-type for a macanic, he thinks it will be funny- and he thinks it's smart too. Grampa nodded wisely and said, "You should read a lot, I can pick up a book, read the first page and tell If it's a book I want to read." I always tease my Grampa, but I really do look up to and admire him, so I tried to soak every word he says like a sponge. So that's me right now- set on my future and staying up until WoW is down-loaded.


emilee said...

LIVVY!!! I MISS YOU!!! and guess what?? I want to go to BYU and get a degree in liturature too, and I want to minor in greek mythology just because that is cool. then you can write some book and i will write some book and we will be 'some book people' togeather! and it is really late and i should go to bed but i don't want to because i am lonely. and i am going insane and it is 1:11 make a wish! I almost wished for a pony like i always do from instinct...what did you wish for??
oh danggit its too late...
my foot just went numb and it hurts.....
you should have stayed up all night until your computer loaded, then maybe i would have someone to talk to right now...but then you prolly wouldn't be able to stay up this late cause i really am not sposed to be either... but i can't get to sleep, so instead i am leaving you this super long comment and everyone who reads your blog is goint to think that i am insane and i won't care because i think so too...and i have not talked to real people in a long time...did i mention i miss you? i think i may have...
i have a purple hippo named bobo...My hair smells like Orchids..it is delightful
Kate and malori are sleeping over here tongiht...they are still awake..i can hear them in the other room playing some game that has to do with school and credit cards...
I don't like school as it is...who would pretend to be at school when they are not...some people are just wierd...
I wonder if i am annoying you...oh well, you can always delete this comment if you want...
Now my other foot is asleep.
I saw twilight today...or yesterday...or what ever...i don't even know anymore... I am so confused...
i wish gill were still alive...he was a good pet. I wonder if he and big fella are buddies now...
Do you like the killers? i do. did you know they are from nephi? i probably know someone who knows someone who knows someone related to one of their cousins bestfriends babysitter. that makes me practically related to them. [[whoah]]
Ii wonder if i am annoying you NOW? hmmmmmmm

call me
cause I am lonely.

emilee said...

by the way, that was not meant to annoy you, i am just super bored and don't have a life.

love ya!!

LisAway said...


Do you mean an AUTO mechanic? Because when I was in high school I took beginning auto and LOVED it and and determined there and then that I would one day have my own auto shop "Lisa's Honest Auto" because my teacher kept emphasizing that the main reason he wanted us to learn these things is so we couldn't be taken advantage of by dishonest mechanics. I seriously looked into it and wanted to go to UVSC where they have a good program.


(Please answer my question by email. Just hit reply on the message that tells you about this comment)

emilee said...

AHH! I just found out that I actually DO know one of the Killer's sister's friends! He is my cousin! hahaha...