December 03, 2008


wwwwwwwwwwoooooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwww. I watched Pirates of the Caribbean 1 at my birthday for the first time. Today I watched the second. holy awesome-ness. I loved it. The End. One of THE best movies- EVER. I know I'm like the last person in the universe- but still. AWESOME.


LisAway said...

Truth be told I haven't seen any of them. They just seem too dark to me. I'm sure I'd like them if I watched them, but I can't force myself to start.

Olivia Petty said...

Watch. Now. Love. Now.

emilee said...

OM! Jack is so hawt! Especially when he says: "If nobody ever survived, where did the stories come from?" and, "STOP PUTTING HOLES IN ME SHIP!"


dp said...

Lisa what you said made me love you and dislike you more simitanniously - how does that work?